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Desert Oasis Healthcare (DOHC)

DCRI is a research and study center committed to the acceleration of leading edge healthcare innovation through the study of new treatment methods, medications and educational programs which promote and improve good health. Our mission is to engage patients as study volunteers, partner with physicians to promote medical advances and collaborate with study sponsors and innovators who are developing new treatments and technology.

760-320-9505 ext. 1202.


Current Clinical Trials

Clostridioides Difficile Infection (C. diff)


This study evaluates the safety and efficacy of ACX-362E [ibezapolstat] compared with Vancomycin in patients with C. diff. (Desert Oasis Healthcare)

Main Study Criteria:

Inclusion Criteria: (partial list)

  • ≥18 years of age

  • Presence of diarrhea, defined as passage of ≥ 3 unformed bowel movements (UBMs) within 24 hours

  • Confirmed or possibility of the presence of C. difficile

Exclusion Criteria: (partial list)

  • Patient has severe illness, co-morbidities or may require hospitalization (based on description of symptoms, known medical history).

  • Received more than 24 hours of dosing of any of the following: oral vancomycin, oral fidaxomicin, or oral/IV metronidazole for the current episode of CDI.

  • Received any other antibacterial therapy for the current CDI episode.

  • More than 3 episodes of CDI in the previous 12 months or more than 1 prior episode in the last 3 months, excluding the current episode

  • Active inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome with chronic diarrhea).

For more information about this study, please log on to the HCP Studies™ app or the web portal or contact the DOHC study team at 760-320-9505 ext. 1202.



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