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Positive Life Series
September 5, 2023 6:00 PM 

We'll be on hiatus during July / August. Join us September 5 for the next Positive Life Series Presentation. The video archive is below.

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Positive Life Series 

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Neurocognitive Challenges in HIV | Presented by HIV + Aging Research Project

Neurocognitive Challenges in HIV | Presented by HIV + Aging Research Project

HIV + Aging Research Project - Palm Springs seeks “to improve the lives of the large and growing population of long-term HIV and AIDS survivors by studying the impacts of long-term HIV disease and its treatments on the natural aging process.” HARP-PS produces and hosts the Positive Life HIV Education Program monthly (except in July and August) which, on May 3, 2022, focused on Neurocognitive Challenges in HIV. On the panel, David Moore, Ph.D., and Aaron Seitz, Ph.D. At the beginning of the program, Dakota Brown, Community Culture Liaison for People with Disabilities, also with UC Riverside, makes a brief presentation. David J. Moore, PhD, Professor in Residence, Psychiatry, UCSD Dr. Moore received his doctorate from the SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in neuropsychology. After completing his clinical internship at the West Los Angeles VA, he returned to UCSD for a post-doctoral fellowship focusing on individuals with serious mental illness. Currently, he is a licensed clinical psychologist and an Associate Professor conducting research at the HIV Neurobehavioral Research Program (HNRP). He focuses on neurocognitive impairment and daily functioning difficulty among persons with co-occurring HIV infection, serious mental illness, and substance use disorders. He has a particular interest in technological interventions to improve medication adherence. Dr. Moore is also a faculty member of the SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology. Aaron Seitz, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, UC Riverside Director, UC Riverside Brain Game Center In his own words… “My research program addresses issues of the malleable brain. In this research we utilize psychophysical, physiological, brain imaging, psychopharmacological, genetic, and computational studies that address mechanisms of human perception, attention, learning and memory and have published extensively (over 100 publications) these topics. I also run the UC Riverside Brain Game Center for Mental Fitness and Well-being that addresses translational neuroscience studying aspects of cognition and learning in a wide range of populations ranging those from cognitive impairments (due to disease, injury, or development) to specialists (radiologists, athletes, etc). The long-term goal of our research is to understand cognitive diversity and how to create beneficial training experiences that are respective of these individual differences. My academic training is diverse, with a BA in theoretical mathematics (Reed College, 1994), PhD in computational neuroscience (Boston University, 2002), postdoctoral work in systems neuroscience doing electrophysiological recordings in awake behaving monkeys (Harvard Medical School, 2002-2005) and then a period as a Research Assistant Professor concentrating on human psychophysics and neuroimaging (Boston University, 2005-2008) before joining the tenure track at University of California – Riverside (UCR) in 2008. My primary appointment is in Psychology, and I hold cooperative appointments in Bioengineering, Biomedical Sciences, Computer Science, the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program, Psychiatry, and am consistently involved in cross-campus research initiatives.” For more information about HIV + Aging Research Project Palm Springs, visit
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